
Operation Intern

This is the first step of your Operation Intern application. 

​​Please complete the following form to begin your application.

Once you have been awarded, Commerce will assign you access to the portal where you will add interns to your application.

The funding window will remain open. At this time ALL FUNDS allocated for this funding year have been applied for. If you still wish to apply, you will be placed on a waitlist in the event a grant recipient does not utilize their awarded funds for this program year.



I, certify that to the best of my knowledge the information in the application is true and correct. I shall maintain accurate accounting records. I further certify that I represent an Operation Internship Program within the state of North Dakota and I am in compliance with all local, state and federal laws and regulations. I certify that the program is in good financial standing and has no delinquencies on existing North Dakota State Government grants or loans. Furthermore, I have read and agreed to the program guidelines of the Operation Internship Grant Program.